Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Cop Lecture 4 : Visual Literacy

Visual literacy
 Ability to construct meaning from images and type; interpreting images from present past and range of cultures and produce images that effectively communicate a message to an audience 

-chronologicaldecelolment (democratisation)
Landscape of digital culture where technology itself develops its own social context 

Visual literacy is images that can be read 
Conventions of visual communication are a combination of universally and cultural symbols (universal languages/symbols)

Vc is made of presentation symbols whose meaning results from their existence in particular context 

Narrowing meanings of symbols by putting it into context as some other shambles have other meanings that can mean something when on its own

We all have inbuilt ways of interpreting things as it's so engraved in us and some of them being right and wrong that we unconsciously interpret things 
We can think of them positivelyor negstivley as the dumbos have their own connotations and also depending on your Point of view and experiences 

When we see a symbols we bring into that symbol  what we know and experience whether they are actual or taught 
There's an agreement and format in which symbols are perceived and we all agree about it 

We use colour and shape in order to make and create symbols that can be learnt
You cna manipulate symbols in order to relate it to the context you are trying to get
You apply your knowledge into the the symbol 

The Beatles - identifying certain people through details from knowledge and heritage or sign symbols inferences and information that we have all seen and gathered 

Semiotics- visualnsyntax and visual semantics( recognising the visual and cultural)

Syntax if an image refers to a OK tuiral structure and visual organisation of elements it represents the basic building block of an image that affect the way we read it (affecting the way someone reads what we are doing through e.g. Drama gets format scale colour font stroke weight shape composition layout motion light rhythm space depth texture text words tone shade line e.g. 

Pulling experience and knowledge and context, using layout etc

Visual semantics - image refers way an kmage fits into a cultural process of communication it includes the relationship between Form and meaning and the way meaning is communicated (learnt symbols)

There are Symbols that have the same meaning but can be dif to different people due to age culture etc

Semiotics- sign, symbol and signifier
Study of sights and sign processes (semiosis) indication designation etc

Visual synecdoche - part is used to represent the whole or vice versa however it only works if we recognise it 
Main subject is simply substituted to the main one

Visual metonym- symbolic image that is used to make reference to something with a more literal meaning ; association the viewer makes a connection between the image and intense subject due to films books tv shows etc 

Visual metaphor- transfer the meaning from one jmage to another ; although images may have nocose relationship a metaphor conveys an impression avoutbsomething relatively unfamiliar comparing or associating it worth something familiar

"Work the metaphor"
-we have to get better at and review how we work a meaning of one im thing to another; the layout framing, context etc 
-take meaning and symbols and the way we organise it through semiotics and communicate it
-people need to know the basic kwldge of symbols in order for them To understand it
-we control imagery (visual lie) in order to manipulate how people interpret it

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Study Task 2a: Mindmap on chosen subject (Advertising and Public Awareness)

In this session we created a mind map of themes that are related and linked to our subject chosen in order for us to start searching for books, magazines, articles and websites that are specific for our subject so that we can start writing our first essay on it.

Study Task 5: Essay 1 Peer Review

In this session we are to show our peers our first draft of our essay in order for them to evaluation and analyse what we have wrote and give us feedback on what we did well and what we could improve on.

After this peer feedback I will update my essay and improve it further. 

Study Task 3: Harvard References and Triangulation

In this session we learnt how to triangulate and reference a theme form our chosen subject and pull together information, quotes and paraphrase from books or articles that we found information for our subject from. We learnt how to use the Harvard Referencing system which we will need to do for our essay in order to show where we got our information and references from. I looked at Digital Advertising for this session as I thought that I can use the information or the actual paragraph that that I'm going to write in this session as part of my essay as I'm going to pull together information from different themes from my chosen subject for my essay and I thought that digital advertising would be one of those themes as it shows the development of advertising now.

Digital advertising is now becoming a present normal thing in our society as more and more people are using their phones or computers rather than reading books, magazines or newspapers. Burgoyne & Fiandaca (2010), Armstrong (2001) and 2017 have all commented on the fact that the digital media today has greatly affected how consumers are being treated by brands and marketers. Burgoyne & Fiandaca (2010) has highlighted the fact that through digital media consumers are now becoming more aware of what they are being advertised with and can now challenge their realness and authenticity, which “…lying, skimping, shrinking a responsibility, or denying a truthful allegation is simply no longer an option. You’ll be found out” (p. XX). This points out how brands are now promoting themselves in a way which can make the consumers relate to their products and make them sound human, rather than “batter them with submissions or worry them into purchases.”(p. XX). In addition, Armstrong (2001) has mentioned the use of ‘active advertisements’ which can engage the audience on the webpage that consists of an advertising. Having these active advertisement’ will make the consumers possibly click on the advertisements which will move them to a different webpage which contains that whole context of the advert and will possibly make them buy a product; by using this, the advertisers are making the consumers feel as if they are the ones in control of the adverts and products that they are viewing online which may in turn make them trust the brand as they feel they voluntarily clicked on the advert themselves. Similarly, Hendrick (2017) wrote how nowadays adverts seen by consumers on their phone screens, computer or tablet screens are being personalised for the consumer through “formats that align with your audience’s browsing behaviour”, and are made to be mostly in videos to make it more interactive and engaging, as well as having ‘integrated strategies’ which correlate to the activities they do on their devices e.g. checking emails in order for the advert to be effective and successful.

Drew Hendricks Three Trends that Shaping the Future of Advertising [Online] (Published 14 Mar 2017) Available at (Accessed 22 Oct 2017),

*put page numbers


Amrstrong, S. (2000) Advertising on the Internet: how to get your message across on the World Wide Web
Bunting Cottier, S. (1996) Advertising
Blackwell L . (2000) The End of Print : The Grafik Design of David Carson
Edelstein, S. A. (1997) Total Propaganda: From Mass Culture to Popular Culture
Sheehan, K. (2004) Controversies in Contemporary Advertising
Williamson, J. (1978) Decoding Advertisements: Ideology and Meaning in Advertising
Fiandaca D. and Burgoyne P. (2010) Digital Advertising: Past, Present and Future
Jowett S. G. and O’Donnell J. V (2014) Propaganda & Persuasion

Hendricks D. Al (2017), ‘Three Trends that Shaping the Future of Advertising’ at (Accessed 22 Oct. 2017)
Tschnichold J. (1975) The Form Of The Book
William Purcell W. Josef Muller-Brockmann
Vignelli M. (2010) The Vignelli Canon
Siebert L and Balland L. (1992) Making a Good Layout