Thursday 21 February 2019

Practical Initial Ideas

From the crit session that I had with my peers during one of the sessions, I have roughly dropped down some initial ideas of how I could initiate the practical aspect of this brief.

Initial Idea #1 

Book that outlines the general characteristics and stereotypes of a music genre - it could be a manual or kind of like anatomy of the lifestyle and general identity of a person that listens to a particular genre ( a persona).

Initial #2 

Visual look book of the subculture - similar to the previous idea, kind of like a persona of the music genre itself (identity, logo, lifestyle aesthetics, typography, products they buy)
Initial #3 

Survey or interview people on their own personal music taste and evaluate whether they correlate to their personal identity. 

Initial #4

Possible create a brand or marketing identify for an existing or imaginary band/artist and use elements of designs in order to evoke certain characteristics of chosen genres what have similar ideologies and foundations.

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