Friday 6 April 2018

Design Developments

From the initial idea that I did, I decided to develop it further by making the lines on the structure more detailed. As I used the PAX wardrobe as the model for this, I figured I'd make it as similar as possible. However, after doing this the design looked too simple and 2 dimensional. I also thought it didn't quite look like the blueprint idea that I had in mind.

Afterwards, I decided to break up the internal lines to give it more of a blueprint feel, though it became a bit more abstract I think it adds to the effect and look of the overall design and can be effective as a contemporary poster design for the company. I'm thinking of keeping it as minimal as this for the final design as I think it would be quite effective and interesting as it can represent the whole idea of compactness and space efficient-ness that the product advertises as well as the need of it's target consumer.

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