Thursday, 4 April 2019

End of Module Evaluation

Overall, I think this was the module that I struggled with the most. I feel that I'm always weak when it comes to writing essays and pinpointing which points are relevant and not, as I found that while researching sometimes, I went a bit too far on a tangent and I got confused a lot which made me slow down in writing down and my thoughts and points and coherently.It also didn't help how I was always pressed for time with other modules that sometimes I feel that I have neglected COP too much, that i had too start all over again and read back my points that I've made before as they didn't make sense anymore when I read back too late.

it was also a struggle to pinpoint a good practical brief and outcome which would help me tackle the essay question. I feel like I've not really expressed and properly said my idea and what I got at the end. However, I do still feel happy about the turn out. Reading the study tasks as well kind of helped me with understanding text and summarising them as that's something I'm weak at as well. I think that overall, I need to get into the habit of reading more in order to get myself used to thinking and understanding arguments and ideas in order for me to pinpoint theories better and triangulate them in a better way. All in all, though I did have some stomps during this module it was good I've done the best I could do for it.

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