Tuesday 9 January 2018

Study Task 7

Today we started to talk about how we were going to write and create our own briefs for our practical piece for this brief. We also talked about the different design processes that we have to go through in order to do the brief.


  • Should be very specific to the context and practice that we are focusing on (Advertising)
  • Should focus on the question on the brief
  • Identify the client
  • I should be able to interpret the brief and develop an aim with it.
  • Primary and secondary research about the context 
  • History of client, their purpose etc.
  • Target Audience - sociocultural, demographic, age, social class
  • How design works in the context - how advertising persuades and sells
Initial Ideas (Ideation)
  • Outlines the requirements 
  • Experimentations
  • rough sketch and thumbnails 
  • conceptual study (overarching theme, idea of how it'll look) Designs should be bound together by overarching theme.
  • Think about the choice of formal elements (layout, colour, type etc.)
  • more detailed versions  of initial ideas
  • creating alterations and versions of designs
  • highlight production of design
  • Narrow down concepts (preferably 3) through feedback and evaluation
  • Refine and reject ideas
  • Making practical work and process of using materials in order to see whats possible and whats not.
  • Do tests (show to potential consumers see i f it works or not)
  • Negotiate between you and the client (what's appropriate and what's not)
  • proposals for final designs
  • Final mock-ups
  • Has to look quite polished so audience (client) can get the gist of the design
  • Allow time for errors to occur during work.
Final Outcome
  • Meets the brief
  • User focused
  • Justified in relation to the research
  • Conceptually driven
  • Innovative

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