Tuesday 13 March 2018

Crit for Initial Ideas

Today, we had a peer led criteria for our initial idea's for our practical part of the brief. In the critical we were to focus on whether or not we are answering the question that we are doing in accordance to the topic that we are aiming to do (Adverting and Public Awareness) as well as if it answers these following questions:

Is the project brief appropriate to the research?
Does the brief provide enough opportunity to explore the issues of the research question?
Does the work show development?
Does the work show ideation - a number of potential concepts and visual approaches?
Are the uses fi colour, type, images, layout etc. appropriate and effective?p;
What improvement can be made?

From the crit, I got positive feedback from the ideas that I pitched and was told to keep going with it. I was also suggested to incorporate different food or things that are incorporated with millennial or middle-class traits which I can used for my posters. I think from the criteria I will try to develop my posters by trying to incorporate different things which are associated with middle-class social classes in order to clearly state the purpose of the advertisement.

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